Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Little Mr. Gallagher

Parker is officially an eater. Now, whenever he sees someone eating or drinking, he is really mad that he is not eating or drinking. He has started drinking from a sippy cup (if you hold it for him) as well as an adult cup. He loves any food he tries and even prompts you with whines between bites to let you know he is not quite finished. In the picture above, I turned my back for a minute and food was promptly ALL over his face-- I am not sure if he smeared it himself or splattered it. He has quite the mind of his own these days.

We are about to celebrate Mike's first Fathers Day. Nothing says Happy Fathers Day like a little boy who is the spitting image of his Dad. The pictures above are from when I brought Parker in to school for Mike's senior presentations. I don't know who is prouder of who!!! Parker sat right at Daddy's desk and had himself a good time. He was particularly impressed with the American flag and the giant Smartboard.
Stay tuned to Growing up Gallagher for Parker's 6 month pictures--- he's getting so big so fast!!!!