So I am a little late on getting the Christmas pictures up. But I have so enjoyed the week off with my little man, I have been soaking up all the time I can with him. I feel like he has had a language explosion this week. His vocabulary consists of the words: hat, hot, dog, nice, light, dad, mom, baby. Sometimes they are said properly in context, sometimes randomly.
Events of our break included:
1. Grandmother brunch on Christmas Eve at Country Corner Cafe
2. Christmas Eve with Nana, Mommy, Daddy and "Aunt" Michelle
3. Big Christmas dinner with Gallagher aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents
4. Trip to Killington, VT to see my buddy Tanner Carlson (Bridgette's best friend from college, Kristy's little guy)
5. Visit with Aunt Christine, Uncle Steve, Julia, Sarah and baby cousin Henry!
6. New Years Eve with the Coxes (and Parker's buddy Declan)
7. Grand Mom's birthday party for Jesus with all the cousins
We had such a wonderful holiday with family and friends. It was so nice to see people we don't see that often and for Parker to meet new family members- namely his little cousin Henry who is six months old!
We are back to school/day care tomorrow and it will be very, very hard to get back into the routine. But...only 29 school days until February break!
Lots of love,
Bridgette, Michael and Parker